Digital Marketing

Ensuring a return from your digital marketing investment

Building a digital marketing program that is effective, adaptable, and most of all, accountable is critical. We focus on all aspects of your dealership from new and used car sales to fixed operations and even your F&I area. Our approach to digital marketing includes managing multiple campaigns so you can reach more quality leads and drive more traffic to your website. We incorporate retargeting through social media, so you are continually in front of those who are ready to buy.

We are transparent with our clients. Our dashboard is compatible with most DMS systems so we can match back and verify sales in real time. This gives you the flexibility to quickly adjust and improve the performance of your marketing campaign. It also holds us accountable to monitor your campaign and tweak it for the highest ROI. And, if you are using manufacturer Co-Op funds, our programs are eligible.

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Key Contact

Justin Ward, Dealership Digital Consultant, has worked in dealerships large and small with several years of digital marketing research and sales experience, along with his five years managing a franchise dealership. Justin also specializes as a consultant with dealerships to optimize their finance and insurance department.

Justin Ward

(309) 945-5938