Inspiring Women Podcast Episode 69

Reflections on Lisa Gutierrez’s Story of Dos Hermanos with Mariana Cruz-Uribe

In this episode I introduce you to the incredible journey of Mari Cruz-Uribe from Brady Ware. She is a true testament to the power of impactful moments and life lessons shaping our paths.

The host of Inspiring Women is Betty Collins, and the show is presented by Brady Ware & Company.

Empowering Women in Business: “I love that we all get together. We all get a chance to meet each other, to talk to each other, to communicate, and it’s so impactful in the future and in your work life because then you know these people.”

— Mariana Cruz-Uribe

Inspiring Women Podcast Cover
Betty’s Show Notes

As we reflect on the valuable insights from our previous guest, Lisa Gutierrez, Mari sheds light on her experiences and growth. With a candid discussion on giving ourselves grace and the ripple effects of our actions, this conversation promises to inspire and encourage you to recognize and leverage the ripples that you’re creating in your own life.

Mari shares her transformative experience from a taxing challenge to a rewarding career in accounting and as we talk about the subtle yet profound ways we can impact others in the ordinary course of our lives.

Top Takeaways from this Episode

1. Embrace Lessons Learned: Recognizing the value of the lessons you’ve learned through your journey and sharing them with others can inspire and help them navigate similar situations.

2. Seek Advice and Mentorship: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals and experts in your field can provide critical guidance and prevent common mistakes.

3. Passion Drives Success: Whether it’s a passion for people, food, or service, finding your “why” is essential to staying motivated and overcoming obstacles in business.

4. Challenges as Opportunities: Facing and overcoming challenges can lead to unexpected opportunities, such as Lisa’s commissary kitchen providing crucial food access to an underserved community during the pandemic.

5. The Importance of Building Your Team Early: Getting the right people in place, especially in finance and bookkeeping, is key to establishing a solid foundation for your business.

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